Navapara Rajim
About Navapara Rajim Sindhi Community
Sindhi Population
No of Sindhi Families
Iconic Sindhi Personality
Will be updated as & When information is provided by City Sindhi community
Popular Familiar & Professional Sindhi of
Popular Sindhi of City
Sindhi Personalities & Sindhi Saints associated
Sindhi Panchayat & Other Sindhi Institution
On demand of many Details of Sindhi Panchayat and other Sindhi Institutions are now included to Famous Sindhi App, this android app is available for free download at Play Store. To learn more about Famous Sindhi App CLICK HERE.
Sindhi Institutions
Sindhi Panchayats
City Name
Important Places in & Around City
Tourist Attractions
TSW Sindhu Directory
This is android mobile app which can be downloaded free from Play Store. This is City wise Sindhi Directory of Indian Sindhis. Filling Add Name form takes few minutes say less than 5 minutes. To learn more about TSW SINDHU DIRECTORY CLICK HERE
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