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About Kolhapur
Kolhapur is the historic city located in south west Maharashtra, in the ancient times Kolhapur was known as south Kashi as city is abode of Goddess Mahalaxmi considered one among the three and half Shakti Peethas of Maharashtra. visit for history, tourist spots, markets etc of Kolhapur city.
Gandhinagar is the suburb of Kolhapur city located hardly 7-8 km from the city heart. Geographically Gandhinagar is in the Karveer Taluka Of Kolhapur District Of Maharashtra State Of India. Gandhinagar [Kolhapur] is one of the biggest wholesale market [business centre], in south west Maharashtra, developed by sindhi community, when after 1947 they were asked to live on this unknown , undeveloped land Valivade, near the Kolhapur city.
Today retailers not only from the district but also from the adjoining districts of Sangli , Satara , Solapur , Ratnagiri , Sindhudurg [Maharashtra state] Belgaum , Bijapur , Hubli [ Karnataka state] and from entire Goa State of India are depending upon Gandhinagar Market for their requirements of Suiting Shirting Cloth, Readymade Wears, Sarees & Dress Materials, Handloom & Hosiery , Gift Articles, Furniture, Nightwear, Under Garments & even Electronic Consumer Goods.
To know more about Wholesale & Retail Market of Gandhinagar download “Gandhinagar World App” android app from the Google Play Store.
Kolhapur Sindhi Population
Sindhi population of Gandhinagar Kolhapur Maharshtra is Approx. 35,000 [Thirty Five Thousand]. About 22,000 Sindhi lives at Gandhinagar [Valivade]. Nearly three thousand sindhi families are living at Gandhinagar, more than One thousand two hundred Sindhi families have their residential place in the Kolhapur city in various regions like Tarabai Park, Rajarampuri, Shivaji Park, Ruikar Clony, Market Yard etc. where as number of sindhi families living at newly developed residential colonies in and around Gandhinagar, Valivade Road, Chinchwad Road etc is close to six hundred.
Kolhapur Sindhi Population
Sindhi population of Gandhinagar Kolhapur Maharshtra is Approx. 35,000 [Thirty Five Thousand]. About 22,000 Sindhi lives at Gandhinagar [Valivade]. Nearly three thousand sindhi families are living at Gandhinagar, more than One thousand two hundred Sindhi families have their residential place in the Kolhapur city in various regions like Tarabai Park, Rajarampuri, Shivaji Park, Ruikar Clony, Market Yard etc. where as number of sindhi families living at newly developed residential colonies in and around Gandhinagar, Valivade Road, Chinchwad Road etc is close to six hundred.
Famous Sindhi

Sindhi Shan :: Sindhi Social Workers – Politician – Professionals
These are the Sindhi personalities of the city who brought moment of pride for entire Sindhi community of the city. They might be a renowned social worker, a professional, a successful businessmen or even Sindhi youth. For Individual information visit Kolhapur Sindhi Shan Page.
Web Master S.P.Sir

S.P. Sir , a retired science teacher who take care of this Sindhi website since 2006 has always prompted local and global Sindhis for more and more use of technology in day to day life and even for business activities. …… Read More…….
Sindhi Panchayat Gandhinagar Kolhapur
There are two Sindhi Panchayat one at Gandhinagar and other of Sindhi families living at various area of Kolhapur city. For more information see Kolhapur Sindhi Panchayat Page.
Sindhi Dharamshala at Gandhinagar Kolhapur
Visiting Sindhis can have tourist stay facility at Central Panchayat Dharamshala Gandhinagar. For Room Booking : 0231-2611172
Sindhi Directory – Gandhinagar Kolhapur
City wise Data base of Sindhi in India – TSW Sindhu Directory App – is launched on 10 April 2017 The Golden Anniversary Day of inclusion of Sindhi language to Indian Constitution. To include your personal & Business Details in TSW Sindhu Directory App Fill the Directory Form. Click here for free download of App.

About Kolhapur
Kolhapur is the historic city located in south west Maharashtra, in the ancient times Kolhapur was known as south Kashi as city is abode of Goddess Mahalaxmi considered one among the three and half Shakti Peethas of Maharashtra. visit for history, tourist spots, markets etc of Kolhapur city.
Gandhinagar is the suburb of Kolhapur city located hardly 7-8 km from the city heart. Geographically Gandhinagar is in the Karveer Taluka Of Kolhapur District Of Maharashtra State Of India. Gandhinagar [Kolhapur] is one of the biggest wholesale market [business centre], in south west Maharashtra, developed by sindhi community, when after 1947 they were asked to live on this unknown , undeveloped land Valivade, near the Kolhapur city.
Today retailers not only from the district but also from the adjoining districts of Sangli , Satara , Solapur , Ratnagiri , Sindhudurg [Maharashtra state] Belgaum , Bijapur , Hubli [ Karnataka state] and from entire Goa State of India are depending upon Gandhinagar Market for their requirements of Suiting Shirting Cloth, Readymade Wears, Sarees & Dress Materials, Handloom & Hosiery , Gift Articles, Furniture, Nightwear, Under Garments & even Electronic Consumer Goods.
To know more about Wholesale & Retail Market of Gandhinagar download “Gandhinagar World App” android app from the Google Play Store.
Kolhapur Sindhi Population
Sindhi population of Gandhinagar Kolhapur Maharshtra is Approx. 35,000 [Thirty Five Thousand]. About 22,000 Sindhi lives at Gandhinagar [Valivade]. Nearly three thousand sindhi families are living at Gandhinagar, more than One thousand two hundred Sindhi families have their residential place in the Kolhapur city in various regions like Tarabai Park, Rajarampuri, Shivaji Park, Ruikar Clony, Market Yard etc. where as number of sindhi families living at newly developed residential colonies in and around Gandhinagar, Valivade Road, Chinchwad Road etc is close to six hundred.
Famous Sindhi

Sindhi Shan :: Sindhi Social Workers – Politician – Professionals
These are the Sindhi personalities of the city who brought moment of pride for entire Sindhi community of the city. They might be a renowned social worker, a professional, a successful businessmen or even Sindhi youth. For Individual information visit Kolhapur Sindhi Shan Page.
Web Master S.P.Sir

S.P. Sir , a retired science teacher who take care of this Sindhi website since 2006 has always prompted local and global Sindhis for more and more use of technology in day to day life and even for business activities. …… Read More…….
Sindhi Panchayat Gandhinagar Kolhapur
There are two Sindhi Panchayat one at Gandhinagar and other of Sindhi families living at various area of Kolhapur city. For more information see Kolhapur Sindhi Panchayat Page.
Sindhi Dharamshala at Gandhinagar Kolhapur
Visiting Sindhis can have tourist stay facility at Central Panchayat Dharamshala Gandhinagar. For Room Booking : 0231-2611172
Sindhi Directory – Gandhinagar Kolhapur
City wise Data base of Sindhi in India – TSW Sindhu Directory App – is launched on 10 April 2017 The Golden Anniversary Day of inclusion of Sindhi language to Indian Constitution. To include your personal & Business Details in TSW Sindhu Directory App Fill the Directory Form. Click here for free download of App.